Risk and Vulnerability Assessment

Before any organization spends their security dollars on security equipment, a risk and vulnerability assessment should be conducted to better understand where the organizations exposure to liability and risk lie. Did you know that risk and vulnerability assessments are great resource for obtaining grants. Most grant providers require that the organization has had a risk and vulnerability assessment completed before any grant is awarded.

Get prepared for the unthinkable?

Active Shooter Training

State-Approved Grant Funding: Massachusetts organizations can now take advantage of available resources to enhance your workplace safety without straining your budget. Applying for the training grant is straightforward, and we'll guide you through the process.

Expert Insights from Todd McGhee: Benefit from the knowledge of a renowned Active Shooter subject matter expert, as featured on Boston news media stations (Click Here).

Deescalation Training

State-Approved Grant Funding: Our Deescalation Training Course is also eligible for grant funding for Massachusetts non-profit organizations and for profit businesses.

Learn how to manage heightened emotions and understand the science behind conflict.

Verbal deescalation skills are the key to managing heightened emotions and distressed individuals, all while maintaining personal safety.

Emergency Action Plan Policy and Procedure Development

Regardless of natural disasters or man-made threats, organizations should have well thought out emergency action plans in the event of hazards of any kind.

Regardless of what type of plans you may or may not have, we’ll partner with you to improve your preparedness level.

Workplace Violence Planning and Development

According to FBI statistics, the workplace has been the #1 place for violence since the year 2000. Many employers are woefully ill-prepared for recognizing threats and managing aggressive employee behavior during off-boarding protocols.

Emergency Drills and Exercise Development

Emergency drills helps determine if existing policy and procedures are effective for the organization. Drills and exercises provide valuable information as where gaps in the security program may exist.